Saturday 31 October 2009

down time

Down time with my favourite video.

playground with granddad

I think I knackered granddad out.
Giving mommy a nice cuddle.


trip to aquarium with granddad!

I woke up from my nap and granddad was there! And we got to go out - these days mommy doesn't take me out too often as I run around so much and she is having trouble keeping up with me.
Checking out baby sharks.
I always point when I recognise something. I'm always out of words though.
Getting excited!
I got a bit nervous with the rays.
Captivated by a sea of fish...
This one looks nasty!

Friday 30 October 2009


Mommy said I had been to the zoo once before but I guess I slept through most of it. Not this time around though. A goat!!

I recognised the piglets from my books.
Hang on a minute I don't remember anything like this in Three Little Piggies!
Waiting for the elephant show anxiously.
My favourite animal elephant.
Oh no it's gotten too close. Help!!
Still freaking out.
I prefer to look at animals at a distance.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

daddy time

A number of cute shots with daddy at Katie's party. What happened to my clippies?

Katie's birthday

Katie's is 1 finally! Now we will allow her to the Big Girls Club.
Snuggle time with daddy.
Enjoying the bouncy castle. I was afraid of the clown though.
Cake time!
Katie had 3 different cakes! I got to try the chocolate chocolate one and it was nice!
Our daddies were on duty that day.

cafe time

Tea with auntie Julie. Mommy said I met her a few times before she moved back to the US but I don't actually remember.
Right away I had to fidget.
A quiet moment while I was chewing my snack cereal.
I got to see Bo Bo's pictures - Bo Bo is a shiz shu.
Mommy said I look like daddy here, with that cheeky grin.
I liked cafe time! I felt so grown-up!