Wednesday 17 June 2009

I'm a bully!

We had a couple of new babies this week.
A newbie, younger and not mobile! Must take her hat.
Ooops was it me? Did I make her cry?
Let me flash my cheeky grin so mommy wouldn't tell me off. She called me a bully and told me to pick on someone my size.
So here I was, barging right in front of Brooke.
Coming through! Move over please.
Dang she would not budge. She's got a good kung fu stance but my secret weapon was not bad either: there isn't much you can't do with a bit of aggressive elbowing - the #1 China survival skill.
Brooke made a quick retreat to the ball pit and I followed suit.
My plan of attack was going to be simple: dive in, grab a few balls, climb over Brooke and claim the ball pit. Mommy saw right through me and told me to stop.
She said just get up and walk away, it' not too late! Alright then mommy.
OK so who could I harass now?
Hang on....did I hear fashion tips? Couldn't miss that!

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